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Do You Love Your Neighbour?

Do You Love Your Neighbour?

Do You Love Your Neighbour? is a simple party game that's super easy to play. Young children in particular are bound to have a blast with this. Entertain at birthday parties and other events with this easy party game.

How To Play: 

1) Form a circle of chairs one short of the total number of players. Ie, if you have five players, use four chairs. Players sit on the chairs in a circle, with one player standing in the middle as “it”.

2) The “it” player asks a seated player “Do you love your neighbour?” If they respond “No!”, the seated player’s neighbours have to quickly swap places before “it” can sit down.

3) However, the seated player may respond “Yes, except for those wearing jeans," for example, and all players wearing jeans must swap seats. The player left standing is the new “it”.


The game itself is straightforward enough. But you can absolutely change things up with a few modifications to the rules.

Add difficulty by combining multiple "yes" answers. For example, "Yes, except for those with blue eyes wearing jeans." Naturally, more than one player would have to fit this description in order to swap seats, but if there is only one player, it's up to you how that's resolved. Whether this is through paper-scissors-rock, or 

Up the ante by making it a small competition. Perhaps when the 'it' player has been 'it' for a certain amount of turns, they are then 'out', and a new 'it' player is chosen and a chair taken out of the circle. Then play until there's one player left standing. Or sitting, in this case.

Add tasks the players must accomplish before sitting down. This might be doing a certain amount of jumping jacks, or running around the circle a few times before sitting. The 'it' player would also have to do these tasks to make it fair. This is an easy way to add excitement and will most definitely get the kids cheering.

For more party ideas, have a look at our games and activities range, and for more party game ideas, check out our game hire!

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